Parish Council Finance

The Parish Council finances are subject to the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations and also to both an internal and external audit process.  The internal audit is conducted for the parish council by a local accountant whilst the external audit is conducted by PKF Littlejohn LLP, a firm of accountants appointed by Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited.

The External Audit requirements for council’s with a turnover of under £25,000 a year is to cease in 2017 and replaced by the transparency code.  This code requires councils to list on line details of:

  • All expenditure over £100 (Can be found on the parish council’s finance page below)
  • The end of year accounts, annual governance statement and internal audit report (Can be found on the parish council’s finance page below)
  • An explanation of any differences between balances carried forward and total cash and short term investments if applicable (Can be found on the parish council’s finance page below)
  • Details of public land and building assets owned by the council (Can be found on the parish council’s finance page below)
  • A list of Councillor or member responsibilities (can be found on the who’s who page)
  • Draft Minutes from all full council meetings (can be found on the parish council minutes page published no later than 1 month after the meeting)
  • Meeting agendas and associated meeting papers (can be found on the parish council’s meetings and agendas page published not later than 3 clear days before the meeting is taking place)

The Parish Council Responsible Financial Officer is also responsible for publishing a commencement date for a single period of 30 working days when the accounts can be inspected by electors.

Finance Reports